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Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees for career/vocational technical education programs are essential. Such committees advise, assist, and support school/college personnel in order to enhance planning and operation of programs. Such advice is based on adequate and timely information as to workforce and job development demands or job market trends, technological developments, and other factors affecting the quality of the programs.

McCann Technical School’s Program Advisory Committees consist of professionals, parents and students in each trade area as well as educators from higher institutes of learning dedicated to continually updating each technical  area to current industry standards.

The program advisory committees meet two times each school year.  Meetings are usually held in the fall and again in the spring.  In addition, our staff occasionally calls upon advisory committee members informally, as the need arises.

Career/Vocational Technical Education Advisory Committee Guide

If you are interested in joining the advisory committee in your professional area, please send your request via email to Jennifer Bullett at  Please include your profession, the company you work for and a telephone number where you may be reached.