All students must meet and maintain minimum scholastic eligibility requirements. Students must pass all courses from the previous year, or satisfactorily complete summer school requirements to be eligible to participate in athletics in the upcoming school year. Students must have a passing grade in vocational/technical subjects as well as passing grades in at least 3 of the 4 academic core subjects. Core subjects are English, mathematics, science and social studies. No waivers will be granted. Additionally, students must maintain a citizenship score of less than 20 points at the end of each quarter as outlined in the “Extra-curricular Eligibility Requirements (Grade 9)” as outlined in the next section. Students grade 10-12 will also be held harmless for citizenship scores at the end of Quarter 1 as the new citizenship requirements are implemented. Students must have an annual physical in order to participate on any team. No student who is academically ineligible at the beginning of a sports season will be allowed to participate in athletics that season. The physician must indicate that the student is cleared to play sports. Student athlete eligibility for game day/evening participation requires full attendance at school during the event day. Students who are tardy or dismissed are ineligible.
Extra-curricular activities are defined by any activity that is not part of a student’s standard academic/vocational schedule. This includes, but is not limited to; sports, clubs, SkillsUSA, BPA, Cooperative Work placements, dances, and field trips of a non-educational nature (i.e. senior trip). The importance of responsible behavior is a point of emphasis at McCann. Students need to conduct themselves appropriately in order to earn the privileges associated with extra-curricular activities. While school staff and administration understand teenagers will make mistakes, chronic behavior concerns will be addressed through the use of a citizenship score.
Student’s citizenship score will be derived from ratings received from their teachers on the school’s citizenship rubric:
I can show respect for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others and for property and materials in all instances.
I always put forth my best effort in every task that I complete and push myself to further my understanding of the content presented.
I can follow rules, take personal responsibility, and be accountable for my academic expectations in all instances.
I can communicate effectively and appropriately with peers and adults in all opportunities.
I can act with integrity, honesty and maintain a positive attitude in all situations.
I can show respect for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others and for property and materials in most instances.
I usually put forth my best effort in every task I complete and often push myself to further my understanding of the content presented.
I can follow rules, take personal responsibility, and be accountable for my academic expectations most of the time.
I can communicate effectively and appropriately with peers and adults in most opportunities.
I can act with integrity, honesty and maintain a positive attitude in most situations.
With prompting by faculty and staff, I can show respect for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others and for property and materials.
With prompting by faculty and staff, I can put forth acceptable effort in most tasks I complete.
With prompting from faculty and staff, I can follow rules, take personal responsibility, and be accountable for my academic expectations.
With prompting from faculty and staff, I can communicate effectively and appropriately with peers and adults.
With prompting from faculty and staff, I can act with integrity, honesty and maintain a positive attitude.
I routinely show disregard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others and for property and materials.
I routinely look for ways to get out of completing tasks or show no interest in completing assigned tasks.
I routinely break rules, show no personal responsibility for my actions, or I’m rarely accountable in meeting expectations.
I routinely communicate inappropriately with peers and adults.
I often act with a lack of integrity, am dishonest or display a poor attitude.
Students will be assigned points on each part of the citizenship rubric (Respect, Effort, Accountability, Effort, and Honor) with the lowest score of 0 being the best score possible. Students will receive 1 point for a “Developing” rating and 3 points for a “Limited” rating. A “Proficient” or “Exemplary” rating will result in no points being accumulated in that element of the rubric. The accumulation of 20 or more points will render the student ineligible for extra-curricular activities as outlined above. Each teacher on a student’s schedule will score their students at the end of every quarter on the citizenship rubric. If a previously ineligible student’s score improves from one quarter to another they will regain their eligibility at the posting of the report card. If a student's quarter 4 citizenship score is 20 or more points they will be ineligible for quarter 1 of the next academic year.
As students will be scored on their citizenship it is incumbent upon the school to provide instruction on the skills needed to score well on the citizenship rubric. An advisory period held weekly on Monday mornings will provide students instruction in social-emotional learning and navigating the citizenship rubric as positive members of the school community. The instructors in these advisory periods will provide this instruction in small group settings that will remain as a cohort for all four years of high school.
For the 2023/2024 school year as this policy is implemented all students will be held harmless for their scores at the end of the first quarter. There will be no eligibility consequences as a result of scores received at the end of quarter one. This is to give students an opportunity to get a baseline and make connections between their citizenship and their score, and improve upon it if necessary. Students and their families should have discussions about the citizenship score received at the end of quarter one in order to make any adjustments that may be necessary moving into quarter two. At the end of quarter two this policy will take full effect and eligibility consequence for students accumulating 20 or more points will be imposed.