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Cooperative Work Program

Cooperative education is a program of vocational technical education for students who, through a cooperative arrangement between the school and employers, receive instruction, including related vocational instruction, by the alternating of study in school with a job in the occupation field. Such instruction shall be planned and supervised by the school and the employer so that each contributes to the student’s education and employability. Work periods will be on alternate weeks during the school year. The experiences gained through cooperative education are critically beneficial to graduates entering the workforce, continuing their collegiate education or entering into military service.

Click the links below to see where our students are working with our cooperative education community partners.

2025 Senior Co-op Placements

2024 Senior Co-op Placements2023 Senior Co-op Placements

Department Faculty

Tom Tinney
Co-op Coordinator
413-663-5383 ext. 175

Senior Co-op Calendar

First page of the PDF file: 12CO-OPCALENDAR