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McCann Citizenship Scoring

Starting in 2023-2024, students at all grade levels will be assessed by each of their teachers in Citizenship. How students interact with other people, their work habits, and integrity are still an important part of learning.  In fact, it is so important that it needs to be reported separately.  Citizenship scores will determine whether a student is eligible to participate in extracurricular activities.

Both learning and behavior are equally important.  So much so that they each get a separate report in the standards-based grading environment. This ensures that the academic grade reflects only progress toward meeting the learning standards and not behaviors or work completion.  The rubric below illustrates the criteria for which student behaviors will be assessed using a Citizenship Rubric.

Image of the McCann Citizenship rubric

Citizenship scores are calculated each quarter in order to determine eligibility. Students will be assigned points on each part of the citizenship rubric (Respect, Effort, Accountability, Effort, and Honor) with the lowest score of 0 being the best score possible. Students will receive 1 point for each Developing rating and 3 points for each Limited rating. A Proficient or Exemplary rating will result in no points being accumulated in that element of the rubric. The accumulation of 20 or more points will render the student ineligible for extra-curricular activities.

As students will be scored on their citizenship it is incumbent upon the school to provide instruction on the skills needed to score well on the citizenship rubric. An advisory period held weekly on Monday mornings will provide students instruction in social-emotional learning and navigating the citizenship rubric as positive members of the school community.